William Friar

William Friar

William Friar grew up near the banks of the Panama Canal. Though an American citizen, he has lived most of his life overseas. Besides Panama and the United States, he has called Denmark, India, and the United Kingdom home, and he spends as much time as possible traveling.

He is the author of two other Panama-related books: all four editions of the Moon Handbooks guidebook to Panama, and an eco-tourist guide, "Adventures in Nature: Panama." He also has written about the UK, San Francisco, and various bits of South America.

Bill began his writing career as a stringer for the metro desk of the "New York Times." He has also worked as a rock music critic, technology journalist, human biology instructor, writing coach, fund-raiser, and reporter for three daily newspapers in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Bill's work has appeared in the "Los Angeles Times," "Miami Herald," "Arizona Republic," "Neuen Zurcher Zeitung," "San Jose Mercury News," "Orange County Register(/i>, and "Houston Chronicle," among other publications. He is now head of fund-raising at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, an international research institution at the University of London.

Bill holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford University and a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. He lives in London with his wife, Karen, and their cat, Wookie. More information is available through his website, www.panamaguidebooks.com, or follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/PanamaGuide .

Foreword writer George R. Goethals, great-grandson of George W. Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama Canal from 1907 until its completion in 1914, is professor of psychology at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts."