A Brief History of Life

From the Starbug to the Octopus, How Life on Earth May be Alien

By Kamala Wickramasinghe, Chandra Wickramasinghe, Edward J. Steele

Release Date
Format Hardcover 256 pages 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN-13 978-1-63353-927-3

#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Is life on earth from space?

Fans of Your Inner FishSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and A Brief History of Time will love A Brief History of Life.

The vital questions of evolution: We have always searched the Heavens for answers about our origins and our destiny. Technological advances have led to discoveries that toppled accepted theories about the nature of life and the structure of the Universe. The most recent findings are likely to do the same and we appear to be on the on the cusp of a revolution. What is life? Who are we? Where did we come from? These are mysteries that new evidence in space exploration is poised to uncover.

Discoveries in evolutionary psychology, developmental biology, and paleontology: Our knowledge of life on Earth and in the Universe is fast expanding. New and exciting facts are emerging all the time. Yet what these isolated findings represent and how they may fit together within a bigger picture can be difficult to see at times.

The octopus is from space and other theories: A Brief History of Life will attempt to piece together the most current known facts in the search for life in the universe. Theories that relate to these findings will be examined and the implications of discoveries that remain at this time inexplicable will be looked at. Readers will be left to decide if the Earth is a self-contained island in the sea of life in Space or whether we have constantly been involved in an exchange of biological material that has shaped both us and the cosmos.

Incredible new discoveries about life and human evolution