Sex After Grief

Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved

By Joan Price

Release Date
Format eBook
ISBN-13 978-1-64250-034-9
Other Formats Paperback

Reclaim Your Sexuality After Loss

An Honest Approach to Hard Questions: Sex is complicated at the best of times—but when we’re overcome by grief, it’s especially mysterious and confusing. How do we nurture ourselves as sexual beings when we’re grieving the death of a partner? Why does taking care of ourselves sexually matter at a time when we’d rather hide under the covers and wail? How do we know when it’s time to open ourselves to the sexual phase of a new relationship? And how do we do it?

A Grief Book like No Other: Sex after Grief is the first book to address sex and grief together and treat sex as a normal, positive, life-affirming part of emerging from such a difficult time. Joan Price, the top expert on senior sex, draws on her own experiences as a widow since 2008, when she lost the love of her life to cancer. She shares her raw grief journey, sexual reawakening (and the many stumbles along the way), and attempts to dip back into dating, along with excellent advice on handling each step.

Recovery on Your Own Timeline, in Your Own Way: As Price says, there’s no right or wrong method or timeline for bringing our sexuality back into into our lives, whether it’s with our own hands, a friend with benefits, a hook-up, a new companion, or any combination. Sex After Grief includes a variety of people’s personal stories from folks of all genders and orientations. Some jumped into sex quickly. Some took years. Some withdrew from sexual possibility. No one was wrong, and no choice is defective or shameful.

Sex After Grief includes:

  • Inspiring tales of how different people brought sex back into their lives after the loss of their spouse or partner
  • Guidelines for dating again and getting sexual with a new person
  • Reasons that solo sex is healthy and can be the path to feeling sexual again
  • Advice from therapists, grief counselors, and sex coaches
  • Self-help takeaways for creating an action plan

Readers of Modern LossThe Grief Recovery Handbook and Second Firsts will grow from and appreciate Sex After Grief.