The Gift of Crisis

How I Used Meditation to Go From Financial Failure to a Life of Purpose

By Bridgitte Jackson Buckley

Release Date
Format eBook File Formats epub
ISBN-13 978-1-63353-795-8
Other Formats Paperback

Approach Crisis with Self-Love, Assertiveness and Courage

You are not alone: Since the start of the recession, 8.8 million jobs have been lost, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley was one of those 8.8 million people who lost their jobs. Between 2007 and 2014, she was also one of 7.3 million homeowners who lost their homes to foreclosure. Some affected by job loss and foreclosure, due to the economic downturn, were able to bounce back relatively emotionally unscathed. Many, however, internalized the outer events as a negative reflection of their personal capacities without taking a deeper look at the crisis as a potential underlying catalyst. In The Gift of Crisis, Bridgitte shows you how to explore crisis as a tool for courageous change, regaining your self-esteem with self-love and self-compassion.

Regain control with assertiveness: Although a personal economic crisis can be viewed as an externally-influenced event that is somehow both beyond your control and within your control, it can also be an opportunity to examine the conscious and sub-conscious conditions that brought the experience into your life. It was through experiences of prolonged financial crisis that Bridgitte realized she subconsciously co-created experiences that felt so bad until the only place she could go was within—exactly where she needed to go. In The Gift of Crisis, you will discover how helpful going within and retaking control can be for you, too.

Find space for spiritual growth: The Gift of Crisis will show how repeated crises can serve as a catalyst to reveal the underlying purpose, and how questions posed during a meditative state can reveal answers in the direction of a higher purpose. For women and men who are sincerely interested in spiritual growth, yet find it difficult to make “mental room” to dedicate to such growth due to personal distractions, this inspirational book will demonstrate the practical manner in which meditation and prayer can assist during any type of crisis as a means of reaching for a calmer, clearer, more courageous and purposeful life.

The Gift of Crisis interposes personal stories and prescriptive ideas amidst ongoing financial destitution to raise your self-esteem, self-compassion and self-love. In reading this book, you will learn how to:

  • Deepen your trust in a Higher Intelligence and in your higher purpose
  • Welcome change and embrace change with courage
  • Focus your attention on the emergence of new possibilities as a result of the crisis

If you liked Brené Brown’s inspirational book The Gifts of Imperfection, you’ll love The Gift of Crisis.