Women Who Launch

The Women Who Shattered Glass Ceilings

By Marlene Wagman-Geller

Release Date
Format Paperback 244 pages 5 x 8 inches
ISBN-13 978-1-63353-695-1
Other Formats eBook

Finalist Pacific Book Awards 2018! ─ Empowering stories of game-changing women

Dorothy Parker observed, “It’s a man’s world;” the lady entrepreneurs and game-changers profiled in Women Who Launch would beg to differ. Unlike the matrons of the 1950s-the women who lunched-these kick-ass females left their DNA in the annals of time.

A history of women in business and beyond: Julia Ward-Howe showed what’s good for the goose is good for the gander when she created the Girl Scouts of America. Sara Joseph Hale-authoress of Mary had a Little Lamb- convinced Lincoln to launch a national day of thanks while Anna Jarvis persuaded President Wilson to initiate a day in tribute of mothers. Estee Lauder revolutionized the cosmetics industry. The tradition of these Mothers of Invention continued when, compliments of knitter Krista Suh, the heads of millions were adorned with pink, pussy-cat ears in the largest women's march in history. These women who launched prove-in the words of Rosie the Riveter, “We can do it!”

Biographies of women creators, innovators, and leaders: Women Who Launch is filled with inspiring true stories of women activists, artists, entrepreneurs who launched some of the most famous companies, brands, and organizations today and changed the world. It is at once a collection of biographies and a testament of female empowerment.

Readers will find:

  • The stories behind renowned companies, brands, and organizations and the diverse women who launched them.
  • empowering quotes from strong women and those who refused to be kept down.
  • motivation to all women who want to succeed in their careers, launch companies, and change the world.

Find motivation in your career and life with the amazing history of women entrepreneurship, activism, and leadership.

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