Books by "Becca Anderson" (15)

Book of Awesome Women Writers

Medieval Mystics, Pioneering Poets, Fierce Feminists and First Ladies of Literature


This one-of-a-kind tome takes a tour with Sylvia Beach and other booksellers as well as librarians, editors, writers, bibliophiles, and celebrated book clubs. Join women’s studies scholar Anders as she takes you on a ribald ride through the pages of history. Chapter titles include "Prolific Pens" (including Joyce Carol Oates, author of over 100 books), "Mystics, Memoirists and Madwomen", "Salons and Neosalons", "Ink in Their Veins" (literary dynasties), and the titillating "Banned, Blacklisted, and Arrested."
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Prayers for Calm

Meditations Affirmations and Prayers to Soothe Your Soul


Prayers for Calm is a collection of quotes, meditations, prayers, and affirmations from a variety of sources to provide a sense of calm in tough times. In today’s world, anxiety and its causes are all around us. According to Medical News Today (2018), over 6.8 million people in the United States suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD. They also note that anxiety disorders are now the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting roughly 1 in 4 people. Whether anxiety disorders are on the rise or if we are just more aware of what they are is up for debate, but the undeniable truth is that many people either suffer from or closely know someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder. So what do we do? In the face of something so overwhelming and frightening that lives within our own minds, how do we fight to regain our calm and control? There are a variety of ways in which people cope with anxiety, but no one cure that works the same way for everyone. A well-proven and helpful course of action is drawing information and tranquility from the wisdom of others, be it from prayers, meditations, affirmations, music, or otherwise. As humans, we like to know that we are supported, and what better way to do this than to reassure ourselves that others have been where we stand and have survived? Prayers for Calm is a collection of small quips to help the reader feel a sense of reassurance and support from all around the world within the comfort of their own home. Ideally, readers can open the book anywhere, flip to a page, and find some words that speak to their situation. This book will help carry readers through a time where chaos reigns, and give them the clarity they need to find their way back to calm.
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You Are an Awesome Woman

Affirmations and Inspired Ideas for Self-Care, Success and a Truly Happy Life


Adjust Your Attitude with Daily Affirmations

Master the art of thinking happy: You know what they say about happiness—it’s an “inside job”—which is 100 percent true. Use the affirmations, quotes, and ideas in this book as a set of tools for your own self-development. They are for “inner work.” Much has to do with adjusting your attitude. Depending on the day, it might be a slight adjustment or a major overhaul, but the more you practice daily affirmations, the fewer adjustments you’ll need. One day you will realize you have mastered the art of “thinking happy” and are looking at the bright side of life, every day. Incorporating positive thoughts as a daily practice will build mental muscle and help you achieve the all-important optimistic way of thinking.

Becoming a better you:  Author Becca Anderson is a champion of undertaking the inner journey of working toward a better you. She is also a strong advocate for believing in yourself and loving yourself more each and every day. These are habits that can be reinforced by practices such as journaling, creating your own affirmations, and talking to yourself positively.

Build your inner optimism: Like an engine driving you toward greater things, self-belief brings you closer to your life’s purpose, your personal mission, and will absolutely make you a happier camper. Daily affirmations help build an optimistic mindset. So, give it a try! It’s as easy as pie and just as sweet.

In You Are An Awesome Woman you will learn:

  • How the habit of daily affirmations can lead to thinking happy
  • What it takes to build a more confident and better you
  • The art of positive attitude adjustment

Readers of other Becca Anderson favorites such as Prayers for Hard Times, Badass Women Give the Best Advice, The Book of Awesome Women, and Badass Affirmations will love You Are An Awesome Woman.


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Friendship Isn't a Big Thing, It's a Million Little Things

The Art of Female Friendship


A Tribute to Female Friendships

Celebrate the bonds you’ve built with the wonderful women in your life. The bond shared among girlfriends is like no other. Whether the friendship is decades old or just beginning, we share a unique relationship with these women, a connection wholly different even from what we share with husbands or boyfriends.

Share in the wit and wisdom of fellow women. Strong female friendships are inspiring because they foster the practice of women supporting and enabling other women. Author and blogger Becca Anderson has long been moved by the inspirational quotes and stories of groundbreaking women (as seen in her bestselling title, The Book of Awesome Women), and she shares some of that female empowerment with us in this book.

Fill your heart with gratitude for your soul sisters. We know how much we love our girlfriends, but do they know? This book reminds us just how valuable our bonds with our gal pals are. These are the women who answer the phone at 4 a.m. and drop everything to help a sister out, the ones who are there for both the tearful wine nights and the champagne-worthy celebrations. As author Becca Anderson says, “Our friends are some of the great loves of our lives. Mine have seem me through tough times and we have so much shared joy. My life advice is simple: make friends and treasure them.”

By reading Friendship Isn’t a Big Thing, It’s a Million Little Things, you will find...

  • Renewed value in the friendships you share with women
  • Inspiration for growing in those relationships and further supporting your friends
  • Reasons to celebrate the unique love you find in female friendship
  • A perfect inspirational gift for the women in your life

If you’ve enjoyed books such as Beautifully SaidBadass AffirmationsThat’s What She Said, and Cleo Wade’s Heart Talk, you will love Friendship Isn’t a Big Thing, It’s a Million Little Things: The Art of Female Friendship by bestselling author Becca Anderson.

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The Buddha's Guide to Gratitude

The Life-changing Power of Every Day Mindfulness


According to Buddha, “You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy.”  Being thankful is one of the most powerful tools we humans have to attain peace of mind and a measure of happiness. As it turns out, Buddha had quite a lot to say on the subject of gratitude, including citing it as one of the four keys to the Gate of Heaven. Why is this? Perhaps the sheer simplicity of gratefulness is  large part of this as it is available to all of us at any time. Even in the midst of over busyness, stress and chaos, we can find plenty to be glad about. Take time to stop each day and count your blessings. This can be a prayer or mindfulness mediation, whichever works for you. Yet, this lovely, uncomplicated approach may well change your life. 

Studies show—and experts counsel—that gratitude is a key component of our own happiness. People who are grateful about events and experiences from the past, who celebrate the triumphs instead of focusing on the losses or disappointments, tend to be more satisfied in the present. In a lecture, Buddhist leader Thich Nhat Hanh stated, “With all I have experienced in my own life, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. In your mindfulness practice, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.”

 Gratitude moves us to do all kinds of things inspired by joy. Gratitude can help us transform our fears into courage, our anger into forgiveness, our isolation into belonging, and another’s pain into healing. Saying “Thank you” every day will create feelings of love, compassion, and hope. But the fact is, the art of living—for that is what we speak about when we speak of gratitude—isn’t something that comes naturally to most people. Most of us need to work intentionally to increase the intensity, duration, and frequency of positive, grateful feelings—a daunting challenge indeed. But fear not, this workbook is here to help! Inside we have provided you with mindful meditations, hands-on exercises,  profound practices, inspiring quotations,  space for writing, thought-provoking questions, and even positive “power tools” that will help you build a more grateful life. 

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The Crafty Gardener

Inspired Ideas and DIY Crafts From Your Own Backyard


Gardening, even it is a hanging basket of cherry tomatoes and a windowsill filled with herb pots, is a much more human way to live, grounded in nature and connected to Mother Earth who provides all. It will definitely add pleasure to your life and a sense of calm. With your garden, you are quite literally growing a bounty of blessings. Lifelong gardener and bestselling author Becca Anderson has put her love of crafting and of gardening together in this book of inspired DIY ideas. Along with gardening tips and secrets for growing flowers, herbs and veggies, Anderson shares dozens of how-to's in this delightful guide on making candles, potpourri, bath salts, essential oils, floral waters, tinctures, liquers, pickles jams and even fountains, birdhouses and fairy doors. The perfect gift for any gardener!

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The Woman's Book of Prayer

365 Blessings, Poems and Meditations


Increase Your Happiness Through Faith and Spirituality

Prayer takes many forms: Sitting in silence, walking mediation, using prayer beads or folding your hands every night and talking to God are all forms of prayer. If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer. We are constantly communing with the Divine throughout our daily lives—even in the most ordinary activities. The Woman’s Book of Prayer will show you all the ways you can pray, so that you can find the methods that work for you.

Draw inspiration from a variety of sources: Comprised of both mindfulness meditations, prayer practices and selections of sacred texts, poems and blessings, The Woman’s Book of Prayer by Becca Anderson, author of Prayers for Hard Times and Every Day Thankful, gathers words of encouragement, comfort and sustenance for women. From Peace Pilgrim to Psalms to Dolly Parton, this collection of power thoughts and purposeful prayers will help you get inspired, and more importantly, stay inspired.

Change your life by changing your prayer: Author Becca Anderson credits her recovery from a serious illness to the power of daily prayer. But she had to change the way she prayed and set off on an exploration of the myriad methods people use and uncovering the world’s best prayers. The Woman’s Book of Prayer shows how to change your life by changing your prayer. By carefully and consciously choosing affirming thoughts and deliberately looking for blessings at every opportunity, you will literally create a new life for yourself.

The Woman’s Book of Prayer will help you:

  • discover how to focus on what you DO want, not what you don’t want
  • learn how to make your prayers positive and affirming
  • find out how to get more of what you want in your life
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Plan Be!

Awesome Inspiration for Your Awesome Life


Adjust your attitude with daily affirmations

Mastering the art of thinking happy: The affirmations, quotes and ideas in this book are a set of tools for you to use in your self-development. They are for “inner work.” And, you know what they say about happiness, that it’s an “inside job,” which is 100% true. These suggestions vary widely from spiritual aspirations to very simple, straight forward and practical ideas. Much has to do with adjusting your attitude. Depending on the day, it might be a slight adjustment or a major overhaul but the more you practice daily affirmations, the fewer adjustments you’ll need. One day, you will realize you have mastered the art of “thinking happy” and are looking at the bright side of life, every day. Incorporating this as a daily practice will build “mental muscle” and help you achieve the all-important optimistic way of thinking.

Becoming a better you: I very much like the idea of idea of undertaking the inner work of self-development and working your way to a better you. I am also a strong advocate for believing in yourself and loving yourself more each and every day. These are habits that can easily be reinforced by practices such as journaling, creating your own affirmations and talking to yourself in the positive.

Build your inner optimism: Like an engine driving you toward greater things, self belief brings you closer to your life’s purpose, your personal mission and will absolutely make you a happier camper. Daily affirmations help build the optimistic mindset. So, try it. Easy as pie and just as sweet.

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Badass Affirmations

The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Positive Affirmations for a Badass

Fans of Rachel Hollis and Girl, Wash Your Face will love Becca Anderson's Badass Affirmations

Even a badass needs daily affirmations: We all need reminders. You don’t leap out of bed knowing you are amazing and about to have an incredible day. All of us have a lot of demands, pressures, to-do’s and responsibilities. We find ourselves rushing around, working hard to please others. Often we find ourselves at the back of our own bus, having made everyone else happy but our own damn self. Then you go and beat yourself up about it. Let’s stop that, shall we?

The incredible art of self-affirmation: Positive living and affirmation queen Becca Anderson reminds you that you are pretty darn great. I had to learn to remind myself, but you know what? It feels pretty darn good. It is even kind of addictive in the best way. There are reasons we need esteem boosters. We pick up scars and get bumps and bruises in daily life. If you had a bad childhood, you have old “tapes” from poor parenting looping through your unconscious brain. “You’ll never amount to anything. You’re not good at sports. Your sister has a better singing voice than you, so we’re sending her to music camp and you can stay behind and babysit.” Even nice moms and dads perpetrate these parenting errors that leave marks on our souls. But, we can overcome with the right mix of badass affirmations. Every day and in every way, you can learn the art of self-affirmation.

Self-affirmation adjustment: If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and drained by life’s busyness and demands, stop in your tracks and do an attitude adjustment, or more specifically a “gratitude adjustment.” You have need for some “me TLC” and a dose of radical self-affirmation.

In Badass Affirmations you will:

• Learn the habit of affirming yourself daily
• Experience a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction
• Take control of your destiny
• Strengthen your self-esteem

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Badass Women Give the Best Advice

Everything You Need to Know About Love and Life


Badass Women Advice

Everything you need to know about love, life, relationships, sex, men, and being a badass.

Advice from girl bosses of all kinds: Women are, far and away, the Oral Sex. Women’s Studies scholar Becca Anderson has gathered the wisdom from a chorus of fabulous femmes for this one-of-a-kind advice book. From housewives to Hollywood starlets, from standup comedians to startup entrepreneurs, these badass women offer unvarnished and unabashed opinions and share their frank and forthright thinking on the wild world of relationships.

A sassy collection of woman wisdom: This delightfully dishy gathering of gal pals is like having a heart-to-heart with 200 of your closest friends. Garrulous girls and loquacious ladies from every walk of life unleash their wicked wit in this humorous and enlightening compilation and tell it like it is. Topics include What the World Needs Now, Love Hurts, Lost Love, and Are Men Really Necessary.

Learn and laugh at the real stories of the amazing women you love: true tales about wild women of yore that entertain as much as they enlighten. From Anais Nin, Lily Tomlin, Amy Bloom, Dorothy Allison, Drew Barrymore, Chrissy Teigan and beyond, there's no shortage of sass, sarcasm, or sizzle and a few shocks along the way!

In Badass Women Give the Best Advice, readers will find:

  • Wisdom about sex, dating, break ups, weddings, the prerequisites for the perfect kiss, and more!
  • Quotes and true stories from famous women and girl bosses.
  • Quizzes, love and sex bucket lists and topics like “Size Really Does Matter,” and “Cry Me a River, The Weepiest Romantic Movies Ever” that will spice up your sex and love life.

Be enlightened with these no nonsense takes on dating, love life, sex, self-love, and more!

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Real Life Mindfulness

Meditations for a Calm and Quiet Mind


The calm and quiet mind

Spiritual self care: Real Life Mindfulness is a series of reflections that can illuminate every aspect of life. Authors Elise Marie Collins and Becca Anderson offer readers guidance on using the opportune moments between everything else in life for spiritual self care. In the same way we lovingly tend a garden, so does our soul require nourishment and attention. Your happiness quotient will soar with the practices and meditations in Real Life Mindfulness.

Control stress and anxiety: By following the suggestions in this gentle guide, you’ll be able to focus on becoming more fully awake to who you really are. In her own words, Elise Marie Collins adds, “People are overbooked, overcommitted and often feel lost and filled with anxiety. I went through this myself and found my way to back to myself through the practice of mindfulness. You can, too.” In just a few minutes a day, Real Life Mindfulness will bring you the calmness and clarity that an over-demanding schedule steals from you.

Find serenity: A welcome respite for anyone whose gear shift is perpetually in overdrive, Real Life Mindfulness is an invitation to rest, find peace, awaken, and remember. It offers deceptively simple wisdom to help readers sharpen their senses, find serenity, and make room for life.

What you'll learn from reading Real Life Mindfulness:

  • How daily mindfulness calms the mind and reduces stress
  • Why meditating is one of the healthiest things you can do
  • How to live in the moment, a place full of peace and happiness
  • How to get started meditating regularly, whether you are a beginner or just living a busy life
  • What it feels like when meditation focuses your brain and makes you smarter
  • How mindful objectivity and observation bring wisdom
  • How to see the beauty present in everything all around you
  • Nine different ways to meditate
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Think Happy to Stay Happy

The Awesome Power of Learned Optimism


Think Happy


Positivity guide: Happiness is around every corner, but every once in a while we need a guide or map to find it. This book is your guide. The 50 chapters of Think Happy to Stay Happy are filled with positivity ideas and inspiration to help you learn how to be happy.

Stay happy: Joy unites all people and words are often how we best express our joy. Think Happy to Stay Happy is the perfect collection of power thoughts and insightful quotes and affirmations that express some of the best ways to "stay happy." The secret to being happy may well be a "gratitude adjustment."

Follow your bliss: One thing the world's wisdom traditions all agree on is that all states of "higher being" are not attained by stumbling around an unmarked road to "blisstown", but result from inner work and self development. Bliss means connecting with your true self more deeply and arriving at a place of ease and awareness. "If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living."

Benefits of reading Think Happy to Stay Happy:

    • Learn to be happy

    • Learn about how a "gratitude adjustment" can help you stay happy

    • Attain a state of bliss

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Prayers for Hard Times

Reflections, Meditations and Inspirations of Hope and Comfort


The simple act of praying


Wisdom, inspiration and prayer: As recent scientific research shows, the simple act of praying can be emotionally, spiritually, and even physically healing. With Prayers for Hard Times, author Becca Anderson offers solace in bringing together the wisdom of great thinkers, spiritual leaders and writers who have faced difficulty and learned from it.

Sacred and inspirational sources: Organized in daybook form, the book draws from sacred sources such as the Bible, the Torah, Buddhist and Native American texts, as well as inspirational writings of:

    • Elizabeth Gilbert

    • Joan Didion

    • Maya Angelou

    • Rumi

    • Mark Nepo

    • Harriet Tubman

    • Dave Eggars

    • Abraham Lincoln

    • Anne Morrow Lindberg

    • Martin Luther King Jr.

Consolation and renewal: Together, these wise words create a tapestry of consolation and renewal for those times when it all seems “too much.” In a world that feels increasingly fragile and, at times, fractured, people need answers and prayers. Becca Anderson’s collection focuses on prayers for a wide range of life challenges, from the personal to the global. Prayers for Hard Times covers issues facing individuals such as loss of loved ones, illness, anxiety, divorce, depression and addiction, as well as those challenges communities face in natural disasters and violence. The writers in Anderson’s devotional address the world at large, as well, with words of hope and help for global poverty, hunger, war and the environmental. Prayers for Hard Times offers readers solace, comfort, and support, drawing from the wisdom of every era, every major faith and tradition, and the important voices of those who have lived through such experiences themselves

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The Book of Awesome Women

Boundary Breakers, Freedom Fighters, Sheroes and Female Firsts


• 2016 ushers in a new attention to women’s accomplishments with the United State’s first women nominee by a major party for president. This book contains MANY females firsts • Feminism has gotten a new wave of energy thanks to a plethora of magazines, websites and blogs from Bitch to Bust to Feministing, Broadsheet, Our Bodies, Our Blog. • From bearded hipster men to Millennials to corporate women to bra-burning boomers, and elders who paved the path, the ranks of feminists are growing at a rapid pace.
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Every Day Thankful

365 Blessings, Graces and Gratitudes


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Daily reflections. Inspirational prayers for every day of the year

Relationship prayers: This lovely book, Every Day Thankful: 365 Blessing, Graces and Gratitudes, can be used as a book of graces to share over the evening meal, as a hostess gift or for daily reflection. Sharing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to create close relationships. By praying together at the daily meal with these gratitudes, you have a happier family and become bonded together by blessings. Add the joy of living in thankfulness by incorporating daily reflections and inspirational prayers into your plan for each day.

Prayers before meals: In today's frenetic world, the common experience of sharing the evening meal can restore a sense of community and humanity to society. More important, the blessing of the meal fosters in us a sense of gratitude for the gifts we have been given. This collection of 365 blessings-ranging from the words of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and Abraham Lincoln to Maya Angelou and Oprah will bring joy to the shared experience of breaking bread.

Daily reflections: Author Becca Anderson grew up with graces, spoken blessings and relationship prayers every day at the family table, noting, "We looked forward to it every day and it got us through everything, good times and bad. I believe wholeheartedly that counting your blessings and prayers of gratitude will bring loved ones together and adds so much joy to life."

Inspirational prayers: Becca Anderson’s curated collection of the world’s wisdom traditions celebrates the connections between grace and gratitude. The book includes a wide selection of blessings, graces and gratitudes including:

  • devotionals for women
  • relationship prayers
  • prayers for giving thanks
  • devotionals for men
  • thank the Lord prayers
  • devotionals for couples
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