Becca Anderson

Becca Anderson

Becca Anderson is an author, teacher and writing instructor living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Originally from Ohio, Becca’s background in women's studies has given her a lifelong passion for empowering women through their own herstory. The author of The Book of Awesome Women, Becca Anderson credits her first grade teacher as a great inspiration and runs several popular classes and workshops including “How to Put Your Passion on Paper.” Anderson and is currently at work on women warriors from ancient and medieval times.

Book of Awesome Women Writers

Medieval Mystics, Pioneering Poets, Fierce Feminists and First Ladies of Literature


This one-of-a-kind tome takes a tour with Sylvia Beach and other booksellers as well as librarians, editors, writers, bibliophiles, and celebrated book clubs. Join women’s studies scholar Anders as she takes you on a ribald ride through the pages of history. Chapter titles include "Prolific Pens" (including Joyce Carol Oates, author of over 100 books), "Mystics, Memoirists and Madwomen", "Salons and Neosalons", "Ink in Their Veins" (literary dynasties), and the titillating "Banned, Blacklisted, and Arrested."
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Prayers for Calm

Meditations Affirmations and Prayers to Soothe Your Soul


Prayers for Calm is a collection of quotes, meditations, prayers, and affirmations from a variety of sources to provide a sense of calm in tough times. In today’s world, anxiety and its causes are all around us. According to Medical News Today (2018), over 6.8 million people in the United States suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD. They also note that anxiety disorders are now the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting roughly 1 in 4 people. Whether anxiety disorders are on the rise or if we are just more aware of what they are is up for debate, but the undeniable truth is that many people either suffer from or closely know someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder. So what do we do? In the face of something so overwhelming and frightening that lives within our own minds, how do we fight to regain our calm and control? There are a variety of ways in which people cope with anxiety, but no one cure that works the same way for everyone. A well-proven and helpful course of action is drawing information and tranquility from the wisdom of others, be it from prayers, meditations, affirmations, music, or otherwise. As humans, we like to know that we are supported, and what better way to do this than to reassure ourselves that others have been where we stand and have survived? Prayers for Calm is a collection of small quips to help the reader feel a sense of reassurance and support from all around the world within the comfort of their own home. Ideally, readers can open the book anywhere, flip to a page, and find some words that speak to their situation. This book will help carry readers through a time where chaos reigns, and give them the clarity they need to find their way back to calm.
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You Are an Awesome Woman

Affirmations and Inspired Ideas for Self-Care, Success and a Truly Happy Life


Adjust Your Attitude with Daily Affirmations

Master the art of thinking happy: You know what they say about happiness—it’s an “inside job”—which is 100 percent true. Use the affirmations, quotes, and ideas in this book as a set of tools for your own self-development. They are for “inner work.” Much has to do with adjusting your attitude. Depending on the day, it might be a slight adjustment or a major overhaul, but the more you practice daily affirmations, the fewer adjustments you’ll need. One day you will realize you have mastered the art of “thinking happy” and are looking at the bright side of life, every day. Incorporating positive thoughts as a daily practice will build mental muscle and help you achieve the all-important optimistic way of thinking.

Becoming a better you:  Author Becca Anderson is a champion of undertaking the inner journey of working toward a better you. She is also a strong advocate for believing in yourself and loving yourself more each and every day. These are habits that can be reinforced by practices such as journaling, creating your own affirmations, and talking to yourself positively.

Build your inner optimism: Like an engine driving you toward greater things, self-belief brings you closer to your life’s purpose, your personal mission, and will absolutely make you a happier camper. Daily affirmations help build an optimistic mindset. So, give it a try! It’s as easy as pie and just as sweet.

In You Are An Awesome Woman you will learn:

  • How the habit of daily affirmations can lead to thinking happy
  • What it takes to build a more confident and better you
  • The art of positive attitude adjustment

Readers of other Becca Anderson favorites such as Prayers for Hard Times, Badass Women Give the Best Advice, The Book of Awesome Women, and Badass Affirmations will love You Are An Awesome Woman.


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