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Thunder Thighs & Trickster Vibes

Essays on Immigration, Gender and Equality


There’s an oft-quoted Lakota philosophy—Mitakuye Oyasin—that roughly translates to “All My Relations.” The casual user (read: New Ager) invokes the Lakota proverb, which recognizes one’s place in life and time, without understanding (or caring to understanding) exactly what that means. But Mitakuye Oyasin is more than just a cool-sounding refrain; if we can incorporate its traditional significance into our daily life, we can begin to heal all interconnections and hold ourselves accountable to strengthening them. Reclaiming our relationships to land, language, ourselves and each other is at the heart of what it means to truly decolonize from toxic settler syndrome and the taking of all things Indigenous. Without functional, healthy relationships, no community exists, and then what’s the point? Who is the book for: Indigenous womxn/queer caretakers under age 40.
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Animal Kind

Lessons on Love, Fear and Friendship from Wild Animals


After creating a digital series based on her daily work, Em found and nurtured a community of animal lovers who resonate with her positive vibe and willingness to share her experiences and knowledge. Alongside her YouTube channel, Em continues to give live animal presentations and has a dream to open the world’s first ever animal arts center. YouTube: 606,539 subscribers
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Dads for Daughters

How Fathers Can Support Girls and Women for a Successful Feminist Future


What happens when a dad raises his daughter to believe that she can do anything, and then sends her out into a world with unequal career opportunities, workplaces built by men for men, a massive gender pay gap, and deeply-ingrained gender stereotypes? 

Dads who are committed to seeing their daughters achieve their dreams have both a responsibility and an opportunity to change the world that their daughters will enter. Dads for Daughters will be the call to action to launch this new phase of the gender equality revolution. Together, dads of daughters can help create the world that all dads envision for their daughters.

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Living a Loved Life

Awakening Wisdom Through Stories of Inspiration, Challenge and Possibility


Discover the Wisdom Within You

An inspirational book dedicated to building self-love: We live in dark, disturbing times. In a world overcome by dominance rather than collaboration, we need to understand the effect this is having on our own personal significance, and how society’s cultural attitudes are partly to blame for our low self-esteem and negative thinking.

A motivational book that is the perfect gift for women: Dawna Markova PhD has been a teacher, psychotherapist, researcher, executive advisor, and organizational fairy godmother. She has given women empowerment, creativity, and spirituality presentations around the world to various corporate and non-corporate audiences. Living a Loved Life is an inspiring and evocative collection of stories woven from Dr. Markova’s own experience and those of her clients.

We really should listen to our elders: Their wisdom empowers younger people and in return the young bestow energy and possibility. These connections help us feel that we can make a difference.

Living a Loved Life is a book of hope. In this book, you will:

  • Find uplifting stories to help with overcoming challenges
  • Learn that you matter and that you are important
  • Discover your untapped reservoir of wisdom
  • Learn to live in a meaningful and inspired way

If you liked The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown, Note to Self by Gayle King, or I’ve Been Thinking… by Maria Shriver, you’ll love Living a Loved Life.

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor If You Don't Want to Die

16 Ways to Navigate the Medical System and Get the Diagnosis You Need


After five years and visits to seventeen specialists who could not diagnose his illness, Intelligence analyst Randolph Pherson’s family doctor sent him to the Emergency Room because he had a “look of gloom” on his face. The ER doctors dismissed him twice, but he refused to go home, believing his condition was becoming dire. They acquiesced, scheduled him for a simple procedure, and told him he would drive himself home the next day. That did not happen.  He was scheduled instead for major surgery the next morning that saved his life. 

The author learned a lot about how the medical system operates in the United States over the five years of his sojourn. This book condenses what he learned into 16 actions a person can and should take to ensure quality health care. The author describes five analytic techniques to spur a correct diagnosis, five obstacles most people will need to overcome when seeking treatment, and six tips for building an effective partnership with your doctor. 

The purpose of the book is to help others to live to tell their stories by applying the lessons learned during the author’s journey by applying the techniques intelligence analysts use. The author is convinced that more people would have lived if they had adopted this advice and resisted current systemic pressures to treat illness and not diagnose them.

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The Checklist Book

Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress and Overwhelm, and Feel Calmer Every Day


We’ve got hundreds of digital tools that promise to help us get organized and have a successful day. But all the email reminders, text alerts, smartphone apps, and other pieces of digital noise leave many of us feeling even more disorganized and overwhelmed than ever before.

No more apps! It’s time to get back to basics! Learn how to plan your day using one of the oldest, simplest, and best productivity systems that’s ever been invented: the checklist.

Readers who love life-improvement books like The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Bullet Journal Method, The Miracle Morning, and Atomic Habits will love The Checklist Book.

The Checklist Book shows you how to plan your day in a realistic way—making time for important work tasks, mental and physical self-care, and beautiful experiences you want to have, like watching the sunset, snuggling with your kids, or listening to your favorite band’s latest album.

In this book, you’ll learn…

  • The history of checklists, dating all the way back to the Roman Empire.
  • The science of checklists—and why putting a check next to each completed item changes your brain chemistry and feels so incredibly satisfying.
  • How to set tiny, sane goals that you can easily achieve—starting your day with a burst of momentum that carries you into the next task, and the next, and the next.
  • How to be realistic about what’s doable within a twenty-four-hour period so that you can break the cycle of “never having enough time.”
  • How to create a basic daily checklist—plus, checklists for specific situations, like moving to a new city, navigating a divorce, or completing a challenging project at work.
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The Difficult Mother-Daughter Relationship Journal

A Guide For Revealing & Healing Toxic Generational Patterns


How many times have you said to yourself, "It stops with me! I won't treat my daughter the way my mother treated me." Or "My mother died and yet she's still controlling me from the grave." Or "My daughter has changed. I no longer know who she is." Or "I am so tired of living in reaction to my mother." Or "She doesn't respect me or my boundaries!"

You're not alone. Studies suggest that nearly 30% of women have been estranged from their mothers at some point, which suggests that the number of women who struggle in their relationship with their mother or daughter is even higher. It is often considered taboo to discuss the pain of dysfunctional mother-daughter issues outside of lofty clinical pathologies and personality disorders, unless, of course, it’s in a private support group where, often, the “support” ends up keeping women stuck in their painful stories, reactions, and patterns of behavior. In that paradigm, affected women are stuck conveying “lesser versions” of themselves, which, ironically, is often what happens between mothers and daughters who have a failing or dysfunctional relationship.

Difficult mother-daughter relationships are fraught with conscious and unconscious, spoken and unspoken patterns. In this healing journal, mother-daughter relationship expert Karen C.L. Anderson compassionately guides readers through revealing those patterns and provides tips and tools to heal them, with the understanding that healing simply means transforming something that creates pain and suffering into a source of creativity and wisdom. Whether you are an adult daughter or a mother (or both), the prompts and practices in this journal will help you create peace in your troubled relationship.

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The Witch's Guide to Ritual

Spells, Incantations and Inspired Ideas for an Enchanted Life


Celebrate life: What is sacred living? It is aligning our living with the rhythms of the Earth and recognizing that those rhythms are deeply meaningful. It is living in the knowledge that we are part of something larger than ourselves. It is being grateful for life while we live it. The key to celebrating the abundance of life lies in the recognition that we are surrounded by all that is sacred. Organized by season, The Witch's Guide to Ritual offers a suggested ceremony for each day of the year and includes hundreds of simple rites, suggestions, meditations, and holiday celebrations that can make the ordinary extraordinary.

Personalize your scared rituals: The culmination of a life’s work, author Cerridwen Greenleaf has poured her years of study into this guide to creating meaning in daily life. The Witch's Guide to Ritual fully explores the hows and whys behind ritual ─ allowing readers to truly master the art of creating personalized rituals. The author provides readers with a clear understanding of what makes up a ritual as well as detailed instruction on how to actually create rituals for personal growth. This book also gives readers a deeper awareness of the uses and applications of the art of rituals. The Witch's Guide to Ritual includes detailed information on: holiday rituals; seasonal rituals; designing original rituals; rites of passage and even life events such as birth, baby-naming, healing circles before surgery, “letting go” divorce rituals, graduation and weddings.

The Witch's Guide to Ritual is an empowering and thought-provoking book that guides readers to the next level of their journey towards personal and spiritual growth.

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Your Goal Guide

A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals


While most goal-setting books focus on helping people achieve their goals, only Your Goal Guide starts with that first, crucial step: helping professionals figure out what it is they actually want. In this book, author Debra Eckerling take readers through The D*E*B Method, her brainstorming and task-based system. It’s a roadmap for setting goals, and then creating a plan to achieve them. D*E*B stands for: Determine Your Mission, Explore Your Options, Brainstorm Your Path. 

Numerous factors stop people from accomplishing their goals.  

  • They don’t give their goals enough thought, jump in head-first, and waste a lot of time.  
  • They spend too much time overthinking their goals, and, even, if they manage to get started, they abandon the project midway, since it was taking way too long.  
  • They try to figure out their goals in their head and get nowhere; they have no plan. 

People are constantly re-evaluating their professional – and personal – situation. Then, they get to the point where they must take action, whether it’s due to circumstance (their job is being eliminated, they’re in an unhealthy work environment, they have to move), choice (they want to 
start or grow their own business, it’s time for a career change), or both (they want and need to increase their income). But how?  

The challenge is to figure out how to set and reach your goals, while the rest of the world – and the rest of your life – is business as usual. 

Your Goal Guide, by Debra Eckerling, is a roadmap that combines writing exercises with systems to help individuals set, plan, and achieve their professional and personal goals. 

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Vicious Circle


Assassin meets innocent. 

Kicked out of the Assassins Guild for breach of contract, hunted by its members for killing the Guild Leader, and half hooked on illegal narcotics, Cor Sandros could use a break. Down to her last few credits, Cor is offered a freelance job to eliminate a perverse political powerhouse. Always a sucker for helping the helpless, she accepts.

The plan doesn’t include Cor falling in love with her employer, sweet and attractive Kila, but as the pair struggles to reach the target’s home world, pursued by assassins from the Guild, Cor finds the inexplicable attraction growing stronger. There’s a job to do, and intimate involvement is an unwelcome distraction. Then again, so is sexual frustration.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Torquere Press Publishers, November 2015.

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Seven Sisters and a Brother

Friendship, Resistance, and the Untold Truth Behind Black Activism at Swarthmore College


Civil Rights in the 60s: A Story of Student Activists

Meet the inspirational students: This narrative tells the story of seven women and one man at the heart of a sit-in protesting decreased enrollment and hiring of African Americans at Swarthmore College and demanding a Black Studies curriculum. The book, written by the former students themselves, also includes autobiographical chapters, providing a unique cross-sectional view into the lives of young people during the Civil Rights era.

Correcting media representation: For years the media and some in the school community portrayed the peaceful protest in a negative light—this collective narrative provides a very necessary and overdue retelling of the revolution that took place at Swarthmore College in 1969. The group of eight student protestors have only recently begun to receive credit for the school’s greater inclusiveness, as well as the influence their actions had on universities around the country.

Stories that inspire change: This book chronicles the historical eight-day sit-in at Swarthmore College, and the authors also include untold stories about their family backgrounds and their experiences as student activists. They share how friendships, out-of-the-box alliances, and a commitment to moral integrity strengthened them to push through and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

The incredible true story featured in Seven Sisters and a Brother will teach you:

  • No matter how old or established, institutions can change and will continue to change
  • How to identify fears and work to overcome them
  • That truth will prevail when we unite with others and refuse to accept surrender

If you’ve read titles such as Warriors Don’t CryBetween the World and Me, and Pulse of Perseverance, then you’ll love Seven Sisters and a Brother.

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66 Day Journal

A Guided Journal for Creating New Habits


Achieve Your Goal in 66 Days

Create new habits—and stick with them: Routines can be hard to establish. Often, our goals require us to make difficult changes in our daily lives. This daily journal by cutting-edge speaker and bestselling author Matthew Mockridge serves as a “training partner” to help us create and firmly integrate healthy routines into everyday life.

Find passion through practice: We don’t need to find our true passion before we commit to a consistent routine. As readers of the 66 Day Journal will learn, it is only through maintaining regular habits that true passion emerges. When we work hard to become good at something, such as healthy eating, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, or exercising regularly, we’ll find that our passion for the topic grows.

Ask quality questions, have a quality life: If we aren’t asking ourselves the important questions—“What am I proud of? What could I have done better?”—then maintaining healthy habits is harder than ever. This guided journal walks us through the difficult questions we should be asking ourselves every day. The carefully constructed questions combine mindfulness, positive psychology, and proven strategies for increased productivity to help you stay on track.

Dive into Matthew Mockridge’s 66 Day Journal and learn how to:

  • Break down overwhelming “marathon” goals into 66 achievable mini goals
  • Set a goal using the SMART theory (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • Visualize where you want to be and work to get there

If you’ve enjoyed titles such as The High Performance PlannerMy 66-Day Challenge Habit Tracker and Goal Planner, and Hello New Me, then you’ll love Matthew Mockridge’s 66 Day Journal: A Guided Journal for Creating New Habits.

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Build Muscle. Stay Lean. Get Stronger.

A Daily Food and Exercise Journal to Track your Fitness Goals

Track Your Progress.

Build Muscle. Stay Lean. Get Stronger. A Daily Food and Exercise Journal to Track your Fitness Goals is the perfect companion journal and activity tracker for healthy cookbooks like The Shredded Chef and The Ultimate Bodybuilding Cookbook.

Track Diet and Exercise in One Place: Put all of your fitness information in a journal that is just the right size—big enough for all of the day’s details but small enough to take with you to the gym or the grocery store. Like helpful all-in-one fitness trackers such as Hello New Me, Build Muscle. Stay Lean. Get Stronger. is a combination meal planner, food tracker, and workout journal—and this one can easily fit in your gym bag.

A Dedicated Journal for Transforming Your Body: Build Muscle. Stay Lean. Get Stronger. is the only tracker fully dedicated to gaining healthy muscle weight while managing your macros and exercise routine. Simple, informative, clear and easy to use, this all-in-one journal will help get you started on your new life.

Using  Build Muscle. Stay Lean. Get Stronger , you’ll be able to keep up with what you’ve eaten, when you ate it, and how it improved your body. Once you get started, you’ll be able to:

  • Master macros
  • Record your meals—breakfast, lunch, dinner, water intake, and snacks
  • Progress your overall health
  • Track your muscle growth

It’s the perfect companion to Michael Matthews’s Bigger, Leaner, Stronger and Thinner, Leaner, Stronger.

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Eat Your Words

The Definitive Dictionary for the Discerning Diner


The Comprehensive Etymology of Eating

Eat Your Words is a gloriously gluttonous glossary of all things grub and gastronomy: It’s a true treat for anyone who loves language as much as they love food. With witty and fun definitions of everything from aeroponics to zoosaprophagy, this compilation offers definitions of 6,000 unusual and unfamiliar terms across twenty-one fact-packed courses.

For bon viveurs and verbivores alike: Are you a gourmet who knows the difference between Maldon and Morton salt? Maybe you’re an expert on the properties of heat in cooking. Or you’re a cocktail connoisseur with a taste for tequila. Eat Your Words is a surprising treat for anyone who loves learning about food and cooking. If you’re looking for cooking gifts for a friend who devoured Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, this culinary dictionary is the perfect fit.

A delight for word nerds: For Scrabble stars and anyone who excels at Words with Friends, Eat Your Words is a clever guide to little-known culinary terms that will give you that special edge.

In Eat Your Words: The Definitive Dictionary for Discerning Diners, you’ll find terms about:

  • A cornucopia of culinary treats from around the world
  • The cultivation, selling, and serving of every food you can imagine
  • The appetites of diners and their dinners across all species

This new dictionary from the author of Drinktionary: The Definitive Dictionary for the Discerning Drinker and Inkhorn's Erotonomicon: An Advanced Sexual Vocabulary for Verbivores and Vulgarians is the fun reference book you didn’t know you wanted. Fans of Tequila Mockingbird and On Food and Cooking will enjoy this fascinating journey into the language of food and eating.

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Happy, Okay?

A Narrative Poem about Anxiety, Depression, Hope, and Survival


A manifesto for life: The poems in this book address the emotional contradictions of depression, anxiety, grief and loss, guiding the reader down a path to healing, fortitude, and life-sustaining joy.
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Life Is a 4-Letter Word

Laughing, Wincing, and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons


Life Is a 4-Letter Word consists of 40 brief autobiographical essays, each of which culminates in a valuable “life lesson.” This is the kind of collection that everyday people will relate to. 

Written in a style that is engaging, warm, humorous, and conversational, Dr. David Levy brings his insights and expertise as a veteran psychologist (and baby boomer) and shares a lifetime journey of personal reflections, growth, and wisdom. 

Unlike many other self-help books, this book does not lecture, preach, or dispense advice. It’s not a “how to” book. Rather, as the stories unfold, readers are enticed to look at, reflect on, and find meaning in, their own lives…while laughing, wincing, and learning all along the way. In the same way that Richard Carlson's Don't Sweat the Small Stuff inspired a generation, so will Dr. David Levy's uplifting stories and wise advice.

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Our Words Restore Us


Using Your Words to Heal

A holistic approach to recovering from trauma: Creative writing is increasingly becoming a go-to method for trauma recovery. There is great power in the written word, and even more so when those words are our own. Journaling provides a cathartic release of emotions because it allows us to not only process past experiences but also reflect on how we’re feeling in the present moment. In this way, writing is one of the most easily accessible self-care practices.

Give voice to what has been silenced: Healing from trauma can be a slow and painful process, especially for sexual trauma survivors, who are often shamed into keeping their experience to themselves. This companion journal to Jen Cross's book Writing Ourselves Whole is a space to put the pain on a page, and in doing so, release the hold it has on us and restore our bodies and minds.

Creativity as a tool for change: Trauma and violence leave a distinct mark on our lives, one that is not easily erased. Writing on our own or with a community or group can be an extremely transformative process for creating change both within ourselves and socially. It encourages discussions about mental and emotional health that lead to finding more approaches to healing.

Jen Cross has worked with sexual trauma survivors for over fifteen years and founded an organization that is devoted to creating spaces for survivors to write and talk about their experiences. In this self-help journal, you will find:

  • A 60-day guided journey to healing from your experience
  • Sixteen writing exercises that gently prompt writers deeper into their experiences and into renewal
  • Follow-up readings, additional exercises, and suggested uses for your writing

If you’ve worked through books such as Start Where You AreHealing the Wounded Heart, and Present, Not Perfect then Our Words Restore Us will provide further support and restoration for your healing process.

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You're Smart, Strong and You Got This

Drawings, Affirmations, and Comfort to Help with Anxiety and Depression


Mental Health is a topic that affects everyone, though so few are eager to discuss it. You're Smart, Strong and You Got This is a compendium of knowing-yet-supportive illustrations from The Latest Kate, whose thoughtful quotations encourage the reader to be mindful of their own mentality and to take care of themselves, regardless of image or lifestyle. The Latest Kate's inventive pairing of whimsical colors and friendly, smiling animals is the spoonful of sugar that makes the heavy subject matter approachable and non-threatening. In a world where mental health is increasingly a topic of concern, You're Smart, Strong and You Got This is a welcome addition to any bookshelf or art wall, and its messages are equally applicable to adults and children.

In this book you’ll find:

  • Beautiful, whimsical, and colorful art
  • Expressions of encouragement for any hardship you face
  • A how-to guide for anxiety and depression
  • Understanding and validation for your struggles
  • Cute animals that believe in you!
  • Tips for every time you feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or down on yourself

Anxiety sucks, but you don’t. This book will show you how to get through the worst of it.

Anxiety sucks, but you don’t. This book will show you how to get through the worst of it.
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