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Starving In Search of Me

A Coming-of-Age Story of Overcoming An Eating Disorder and Finding Self-Acceptance


The true confessions of an eating disorders survivor


This confessional self-help guide explores the complex emotional truth of what it’s like when food, weight, and body image take priority over every other human impulse or action. Activist author Marissa LaRocca's revelatory tale includes her struggle with her secrets, including sexuality, and how she emerged as an outspoken advocate for gay rights and women’s health issues.

Anorexia and bulimia health crisis: Many young women and girls struggle with the body image issues that engender eating disorders with elaborate rituals around food, binging, purging, and hiding it all while trying to maintain a face of normalcy to the world. Anorexia and bulimia have become major national health crises with skyrocketing statistics indicating that between 3 and 5% of the population suffer anorexia nervosa alone. Sadly, many never attain the sense of being “normal” and deal with a lifetime of body image and self-esteem issues.

Coming of age story of a woman battling for self-esteem: This intimate account of courage and the search for truth and meaning will have you rooting for Marissa LaRocca as she unravels the emotional layers of her own battle with food, body image, and sexuality. Readers of this riveting memoir, Starving in Search of Me, will relate to the coming-of-age story of a young woman confronting some of life’s major issues while living, for a time, in two closets: one to hide her eating disorder and one to hide her sexuality and very identity.

What You'll Learn Inside This Book:

  • Identify the root causes, symptoms, and triggers associated with an eating disorder
  • Acknowledge the "life issues" that are being masked by "food issues" or another addiction
  • Disempower compulsive behaviors like binging, purging, and obsessing about calories and exercise
  • Heal your relationship with food through healing your relationship with yourself
  • Escape the victim role, become empowered, and take responsibility for your own happiness
  • Connect with your life’s purpose and authentic self, transforming your weaknesses into strengths
  • Free your mind through tuning in to the body and witnessing emotions
  • Improve your body image and self-esteem by aligning your lifestyle with your true values, desires, and what is realistic
  • Effectively communicate your needs with confidence
  • Establish guilt-free lifestyle boundaries to reduce anxiety and maximize vitality
  • Enhance peace of mind by developing a reliable support system
  • Eliminate the need to be perfect by practicing forgiveness and compassion toward yourself
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You're Going to Survive

True stories about adversity, rejection, defeat, terrible bosses, online trolls, 1-star Yelp reviews, and other soul-crushing experiences—and how to get through it


#1 Amazon New Release ─ How to survive adversity, criticism, rejection and defeat

Life involves adversity: No matter what kind of career you’ve chosen, you’re going to deal with discouragement, frustration, and situations that are, shall we say, “less than ideal.” It could be a hysterical client who’s demanding a refund. Or a book that gets rejected…48 times and counting. Or a job interview that goes nowhere. Or watching your best friend get the exciting promotion that you wanted. Or a vicious one-star review that rattles your self-esteem and makes you question your talent, your identity, everything. When that moment arrives, open this book.

Defeat and getting through it: Inside, you’ll find inspiring true stories from all kinds of people—from authors, chefs, lawyers, website designers, and Broadway performers to personal stylists, jazz musicians, business consultants, non-profit fundraisers, and more—each describing one of the worst moments in their entire career, and how they got through it.

How to stay motivated and never give up: Each chapter is filled with honesty, humor, and heartfelt encouragement to help you stay motivated, keep marching, and never give up―even when things feel incredibly tough. No matter what’s going on in your career right now, this isn’t the end of your story. You’re going to survive.

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Zen Puppies

Meditations for the Wise Minds of Puppy Lovers


Mindfulness quotations and puppies

Join some cuddly puppies for a collection of sayings from the Buddha. The verses, taken from the Dhammapada, were written centuries ago, but today they offer insight for all of life's basic struggles. Meditate along with the verses to gain a greater understanding of you, your life and your purpose. Find the meaning of truth in these verses and how to find it in the world around you. Let your inner Zen Puppy guide you to enlightenment.

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Love Your Life

Cultivating Your Vision and Tending Your Dreams


Have you ever experienced the nagging sensation that your life hasn’t turned out the way you planned? When you look at your life, do you wonder how you got where you are now?

It’s easy to be swept up in the tide of family expectations, career diversions, financial responsibilities and personal insecurities to end up far adrift from where you’d originally planned.

This book is designed to help you get back on track so that you can live a life that you love and reclaim your happiness. You’ll discover a simple 8-step process to:

  • Connect with your vision, purpose and passion.
  • Define your personal and professional aspirations.
  • Develop an action plan to accomplish your goals.
  • Overcome any obstacles to your success.
  • Achieve the life of your dreams.

If you’re ready to live a life that is both satisfying and fulfilling, this book is for you.

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Sex Rules!

Astonishing Sexual Practices and Gender Roles Around the World


• Janice will market the book widely using her rich “multiplier network” of people who can contact tens of thousands of others. This network includes media travel gurus like Richard Bangs, award-winning director/producers like Ed Robbins (PBS, Discovery Channel, TLC, Nat Geo Channel, ABC, NBC, etc.), and writer/producers like Laura Hubber (PBS, UPN, BBC) • Readers will get a giggle from the book while maybe picking up some good ideas to try in their own love life!
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Les 4 Disciplines de L’Exécution


Les 4 Disciplines de L’Exécution

Un nouveau livre perspicace de l'auteur de plus de 500 000 exemplaires, Sean Covey et l'organisation FranklinCovey, en fonction de leur travail avec des centaines de milliers d'employés et de grandes entreprises pour dévoiler les disciplines essentielles prouvées pour aider les entreprises et les individus à réaliser leurs objectifs les plus importants.

Les 4 disciplines d'exécution (4DX) sont une formule simple, répétable et éprouvée pour l'exécution sur vos priorités stratégiques les plus importantes au milieu du tourbillon. En suivant les 4 disciplines:

  • Mettre l'accent sur l'importance sauvage
  • Agir sur les mesures du plomb
  • Garder un tableau de bord convainquant
  • Créer une cadence de responsabilisation

Les dirigeants peuvent produire des résultats révolutionnaires, même si l'exécution de la stratégie exige un changement important de comportement de leurs équipes.

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Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life

10 Steps to Shift Gears, Dream Big, Do it Now!


Dream Big! Do it now!


Strengths and weaknesses: We all have strengths and weaknesses. So, do you want to learn how to get out of your own way and build your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses? Do it now with Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life: 10 Tips to Shift Gears, Dream Big, Do it Now!

Dream big: Do you want to be known as a tremendous talent...or a lazy, unfocused slacker? Whether you’re a Millennial yearning to join corporate America, a Boomer ready for reinvention, a closeted LGBTQ+ testing the gender pool or even a nerd nauseated with perfection, the Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life: 10 Steps to Shift Gears, Dream Big, Do it Now! by Justin Loeber, is an in-your-face, funny, no-nonsense, socio-business, coming-of-ageless handbook for anyone who is yearning for true, inner-personal success.

Great guide to life: You’ll learn 10 easy steps, such as:

    • Work on Your Work Ethic

    • Own the Power of Thoughtfulness

    • Find Perfection in Imperfection

    • Rule Your Plane

    • and more

Learn how to get out of your own way: This shebang of a book is based on Loeber’s quirky personal life experiences that all started in the NYC 70s disco era. Justin worked as a waiter, a Wang Word Processing Operator, (remember Wang?), a substitute go-go dancer, was discovered by pop icon Gary Numan in London and was one step from stardom in his own right as a solo pop-recording artist—only to lose it all. Then, in a 180-degree turn—and without a college degree—went from a temp at Random House to an EVP at HarperCollins in a little more than a decade. In 2006 Loeber created mouth: digital + public relations, a boutique agency in NYC—repping over 550 clients to date.

Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life will give you the courage to:

    • Shake down your fear, which is squelching your dream

    • Find the “it” that makes you “tick”

    • Take a Risk, which in the end, isn’t risky after all

    • Put down the electronics, look up; and transfer from the passenger to the pilot of your life…NOW!

So, Get out of your own way! Dream big! Do it now!

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The College Bound Organizer

The Ultimate Guide to Successful College Applications


Nearly three million students are expected to enroll as first-time freshmen in degree-granting institutions in the United States this school year. Each of these students will apply to many schools — five, 10, perhaps as many as 20 — and each of those applications has a daunting number of T’s to cross and I’s to dot. With standardized test taking and school visits, essays to write and forms to fill out, there is so much to do. It goes without saying that a student also attends school, keeps up homework, maintains that spot on the team or the lead role in the school play, volunteers at the local soup kitchen and possibly even holds down a part-time job. Applying to college is intimidating and overwhelming for both teenagers and their parents. The challenge is to be well informed, prepared, focused and organized throughout the multistep college search and admission process. The solution is The College Bound Organizer, the ultimate guide to help students effectively navigate this very complicated and stressful process. The book helps students: • Build a personal profile • Plan a individualized testing schedule • Research colleges to identify schools that are a good fit • Develop a balanced list of schools • Complete and submit applications • Apply for financial aid and scholarships • Meet all deadlines • Sort through and manage application results • Make a final decision Author tips and advice, and interviews with admission professionals offer insight into the process, including what admission officers are looking for in an applicant, common mistakes students make on their applications and when applying for financial aid, and other valuable information.
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The Incredible Power of Inspiration

Creating the Life You Yearn For


Finding your new lifestyle


Healthy habits and finding your new lifestyle: When do we actually stop and notice that our lifestyles are causing us harm? Perhaps the trigger is a diagnosis of diabetes or high blood pressure; or perhaps our relationships are troubled – or non-existent. At some point, either events or other factors give us a firm message to stop and look at ourselves and to find a better way by developing healthy habits.

Spiritual wellness and mental wellness: But if we barely have time for the basics of daily living, how then do we pay attention to our physical, mental and spiritual wellness? In the rush of life, many make poor decisions, turning to alcohol or drugs. Many others experience anxiety or depression. When life continues unchecked we find ourselves in crisis: a physical, mental or spiritual breakdown. Spiritual wellness and mental wellness are critical to recovery.

Spiritual inspiration and designing healthy habits: The Incredible Power of Inspiration looks at the story of our lives first from the outside in, from our circumstances to our feelings, and then from the inside out, from our dreams into the world. This revolutionary holistic approach to body, mind and spirit helps readers deconstruct unhealthy habits and design healthier, more vibrant lives. Zetlan’s book is an enriching journey through one’s own life - our yesterday’s, today’s and into our tomorrows. As adventurers in our own lives, we will re-vision and re-cast our life’s story through finding our deepest inspiration, our most joyful feelings and language our dreams into life. Jenifer Zetlan teaches readers to simply step through life’s challenges and stay deeply centered and excited about their journeys. We can successfully live into our fullest potential; we can re-write the script and find a new lifestyle. With this powerful method, readers can inspire their own character, re-write their story and enable themselves to live into the lives they deserve.

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Goddess Power

Awakening the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine in Your Life


Feminine Empowerment


Path of the Goddess: At the dawn of religion, God was a Woman. The Divine Feminine is known by innumerable names and symbol-rich manifestations across the world's cultures. Throughout the ages the Goddess has been honored and worshiped as the Virgin Mary, Isis, Inanna, Asherah, Diana, Kuan Yin, Kali, Oshun, Athena, Pele, Sarasvati, Demeter, and White Buffalo Calf Woman, to mention just a few. Many conceptions of the Goddess are mysterious and seemingly paradoxical. Yet at its source, the Divine Feminine is one. I Am (With) Her takes you on a fascinating and, at times, surprising journey into the enduring essence of the Divine Feminine.

Inside this book you will learn:

    • How the Goddess path offers an empowering message and inspiration

    • The importance of re-establishing a healthy balance and integration of both the "masculine" and the "feminine" archetypes

    • That the notion of God as archetypal "Sky-Father" is fairly recent in Western culture

    • Why the wisdom of the Goddess/Sacred Feminine has been ignored, distorted, and oppressed for centuries

    • How archetypes, mythic narratives, and qualities of Goddesses are alive within you and how they reveal intimate truths about yourself and others

    • How Goddesses can serve as empowering guides in your personal and professional life

    • Why especially black Goddesses/dark-skinned Mothers (e.g., Kali or Black Madonna) are a powerful symbol and catalyst for change in our times, both individually and collectively

    • And much, much more!

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We Can Be Kind

Healing Our World One Kindness at a Time


One Kindness at a Time


Be kind: The world is changing at lightening speed, and meaningful connections are increasingly elusive. David Friedman, creator of the hit song "We Can Be Kind" offers a powerful reminder of how we need to treat each other, from children to family to coworkers as well as strangers, neighbors and those across the political aisle. Through story, meditation and suggestions of kindness, Friedman encourages us to create new ways of building community. Through the practice of kindness, we become most fully connected, alive, and integrated.

Practicing The Golden Rule: The past few years have shown us what it is like to live in a less caring world. David Friedman’s advocacy for treating each other better and applying the Golden Rule is an idea whose time has come. His deeply thoughtful handbook for the heart brings it all home with simple suggestions of how to be kinder and why it is more important than ever now.

Compassion and empathy: We Can Be Kind is a course in compassion from a beloved composer for Disney Films and Broadway, Daily Show regular, and Unity Church spiritual leader. The book provides:

    • Lessons on the value of kindness

    • Inspiring meditations

    • Essential truths

    • Daily affirmations

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Notoriously Dapper

How to Be a Modern Gentleman with Manners, Style and Body Confidence


Life skills for the modern gentleman


The modern gentleman: Being a true modern gentleman and a genuine class act is increasingly rare. It is also more important now than ever before. What worked for the Rat Pack and the Brat Pack won’t work for you and truth be told, it won’t work for anyone because that is old school. Manliness in the modern era is worth learning about and the dividends will pay off for a lifetime. Not only will you bring joy to all those around you, you’ll be happier, too. Once you master this, you’ll live the good life.

Manliness, life skills, and building self esteem: No one in the world is better suited than Kelvin Davis, (we’re talking really nice suits, too) to provide the ultimate guide to being a modern gentleman. A fresh voice in style, attitude, manners and body confidence or body positive for men, Kelvin is a model and major Instagram influencer who has been featured in Glamour Magazine, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan and much more. Davis is also a leading light in the body confidence movement for men, offering empowerment and wisdom that contributes to building self esteem wisdom. In his words, “You can choose to be great; clothing has sizes but style does not.”

Building body confidence: Wedding etiquette and all around This book is a treasury of information covering all the bases from how to date (Hint, pulling up and waiting for her in your car is wrong, you’re not freaking Uber!) to social skills to etiquette for all occasions, even including counsel on improving your character. Whether you are at a weekend wedding with your friends, courting a new lady, being a great colleague at work or becoming a dad, Notoriously Dapper provides practical information and inspiration for the modern gentleman seeking to build body positive life skills.

You'll learn the life skills every modern gentleman should know, including these secrets to eternal style and class:

    • Tie your own damn tie

    • Be the perfect wedding guest

    • Treat your women right, from ages 8 to 80

    • Get along with pretty much anybody

    • Ask for a woman's hand in marriage

    • First-time fatherhood

    • The art of self-care and body con

    • Modeling good behavior

    • The Bro Code

    • Live, laugh and love your life!

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The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads

Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask


If you are thinking of becoming a gay dad ─ or if you are already a gay dad ─ this book is for you!


Are you ready to have kids? More and more gay men are turning to adoption and surrogacy to start their own families. An estimated two million American LBGTQ people would like to adopt and an estimated 65,000 adopted children are living with a gay parent. In 2016, The Chicago Tribune reported that 10 to 20 percent of donor eggs went to gay men expanding their families via surrogacy, and in many places the numbers were up 50 percent from the previous five years.

Gay parenting: Having a kid is like coming out all over again, on a daily basis, especial if you have an infant. Was coming out stressful for you? It’s about to get more intense and you will have a child watching your every move and listening to your every word. If you stutter or pause, they may pick up on your discomfort and could start to feel like something is wrong about their family unit. The Ultimate Guide For Gay Dads is jam packed with parenting tips and advice to help you build confidence and become the awesome gay dad you were meant to be!

How Is This Parenting Guide Different From Others? Unlike other parenting books that have whole chapters focusing on things specifically related to mothers (such as how to get the perfect latch when breastfeeding), this parenting book replaces those sections with things relevant to gay dads. It covers topics like how to find LGBT friendly pediatricians, how to find LGBT friendly schools, how to childproof your home with style, how to answer awkward and prying questions about your family from strangers, examples for what two-dad families can do on Mother’s Day, and much more. The book also includes parenting tips and advice from pediatricians, school educators, lawyers, and other same-sex parents.

Top LGBT parenting expert: Bestselling author Eric Rosswood covers every aspect of fatherhood for gay men in this essential guide to growing your family in the post-DOMA era. He is a major influencer on social media with over 100,000 followers on Twitter alone, as well as thousands on other platforms.

Exploring LGBTQ issues: Rosswood is an in-demand authority and commentator on LGBTQ issues, including civil rights, parenting, marriage and politics. The author has been featured in major media including The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, CBS News, The Huffington Post, Elite Daily, Yahoo! News, AOL News, NY Daily News, IB Times, and regional LGBTQ press.

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Cannabis Cuisine

Bud Pairings of A Born Again Chef


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Much more than just a pot cookbook, Cannabis Cuisine elevates marijuana to a fine cuisine

Chef Andrea Drummer is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu and co-owner of Elevation VIP Co-op, a Los Angeles–based company that caters high-end, intimate dinner parties ─ AND, she is a world class marijuana chef.

Cooking with marijuana: In her debut cookbook, chef and author Andrea Drummer guides home cooks through an adventure of the palette. Chef Drummer is a firm believer that the food always comes first. Cannabis Cuisine is about the art of marijuana as an ingredient. It's more than a cannabis cookbook. Like a fine wine, cannabis is meant to be paired according to its unique profile. With every dish, she looks to the textures, flavors and scents of the bud before masterfully pairing it with ingredients that transcend the dish. The culinary arts and science of responsible dosage are presented in a way that treats cannabis as one of the best ingredients in the world to cook with. Every item she prepares incorporates the flavor profile of the strain that she is using with what is being prepared, thus the cannabis is just as important as any other ingredient.

Filled with recipes, but more than a marijuana cookbook: Cannabis Cuisine elevates marijuana to the highest levels of cuisine. Never before have recipes been presented like this. From the comforts of southern kitchens to the upscale stoves of Michelin star restaurants, each recipe is carefully crafted to elevate both the dish and the cook.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • The basics of pairing buds
  • How to create unique butters and oils to incorporate in every meal
  • Tips for elevating breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • The secret of marijuana as a flavor powerhouse
  • How to properly dose cannabis infused cuisine
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Cooking, Baking, and Making

100 Recipes and DIY Ideas for All Seasons and Reasons


• Author Cynthia O’Connor is a popular TV personality in upstate New York with a regular cooking and DIY segment • Cynthia, aka “The Harried Housewife” has a tips and recipes column and has appeared on PBS, NPR and is syndicated by Gannet News, the Wall Street Journal, and has a well-trafficked website • She is a contributing editor for Fresh Magazine and Entrée Magazine and does fun demo events. • Social media: 112,000 Facebook via WKTV • Featured on: · · ·
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