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Force of Habit

Unleash Your Power By Developing Great Habits


Habits and Your Health

Dr. Tamsin Astor blends her scientific background and awareness (PhD in cognitive neuroscience) with her Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation & Coaching training to give a unique approach to mastering your daily habits. Using tools from Health and Executive coaching, Tamsin provides a plan to help you navigate from a multi-tasking, low energy, time-deprived existence to one of abundance, nourishment and fun!

Regain your power, reduce your stress: Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and that there isn't enough time or energy to get everything done? Follow the steps in Force of Habit: Unleash Your Power Through Healthy Habits to create a life of joy and freedom by making connections in your daily habits, thereby reducing your decisions. Tamsin lays out a simple plan to master your key habits in your two key relationships: with yourself & others.

Readers will learn:

  • The “Shoulds” & why they don't serve you
  • Motivation – different theories to understand it
  • Stress - what it's secretly doing to you and why we need a little "good" stress
  • Why there isn't one definition of "healthy" and a new model for understanding health
  • A new way of thinking about everyday habits and how you need to change them
  • How to think about your relationship with yourself – are you falling into learned helplessness?

Free up time: And what about your relationships with others – are you cultivating enablers or supporters? This book gives you a step-by-step guide to organizing your life. How? By creating boundaries and daily rituals so you have the time for what you need to do and what you want to do! By establishing healthy habits, you can unleash your true power by freeing up your time from the thousands of microdecisions you make on a day-to-day basis.

By combining these daily habits with a bigger frame - your big why – the reasons behind why you want to create healthy habits – you will continually refocus and refine your daily habits and become a force of nature.

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Get It Done

31 Ways to Release Your Inner Boss


Holistic Life, Badass Style

Take Risks and Find Success: Are you willing to take risks and support yourself and your family like never before? If so, then Get It Done by renowned speaker, life coach, and author Hayley Hobson is the last self-guide book you’ll ever need. Moving away from mainstream mediocrity to live an exciting and fulfilling life sounds like an amazing promise—and this book will help motivate you to make it come true.

Comfort in the midst of chaos: In Get It Done, Hayley Hobson teaches you the secret that lies between a holistic heart and passion with an attitude. Each chapter points out areas of life that can be chaotic, and then gives you the secret to overcoming the noise. Hobson shares personal fixes you can apply immediately as you go from madness to mindfulness.

Restore balance in your life: From time management and organization to prioritizing and task management, Get It Done illustrates specific scenarios and personal life stories that detail what things look like when they are out of balance. Emphasizing your need to take action, Hayley follows up with plans ready for you to implement.

No more excuses: It’s time to Get It Done. Hayley Hobson uses her life coaching expertise to provide supportive and credible help that sticks and transforms. Hobson knows that by changing our thoughts, we can shift our perception and our feelings. Once our feelings change, our experience changes. Take action now for a better future.

Get It Done coaches readers in ways to apply the philosophies that have helped Hayley Hobson to live a holistically grounded life—in a badass way. In this book, readers will find:

  • Step-by-step guides to foster balance in the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual quadrants
  • Insight on overcoming adversity, from health issues to financial failures
  • Prescriptive tips on how to move away from the chaos of everyday life and restore balance
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Living An Orgasmic Life

Heal Yourself and Awaken Your Pleasure


#1 Amazon Best Seller! ─ Heal Your Relationship with Sex

Overcome your discomfort: Living An Orgasmic Life is written for anyone who finds sex challenging or feels uncomfortable with their sex life. Women who are alienated from their erotic side due to sexual abuse or trauma will find healing balm in these pages. Women who can’t surrender into pleasure, can’t sustain intimacy, or want to reclaim and feel empowered in their sexuality will greatly benefit from this book.

Awaken your sexuality: Challenges with sexuality are all too common in our society and not frequently discussed in an open and thoughtful manner. In Living An Orgasmic Life, Xanet Pailet explores the many reasons that cause women to disconnect from their sexuality including: shame, body image issues, sexual abuse and trauma, physical wounding, and fears of intimacy. She teaches practical advice and tools to help women awaken to their sexuality in a healthy way and reclaim their libido.

Add sex back into your marriage: According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, 20% of married couples are only having sex once a month—that’s considered a sexless marriage. And those numbers are likely significantly under-reported and do not account for the large number of women and men who stay in their marriage for other reasons (e.g. money, children) but have completely unsatisfying sex lives. Even so, the number of reported sexless marriages has quadrupled in the last 20 years. Living An Orgasmic Life is filled with lessons and practical exercises that can take your sex life from non-existent or mediocre to fulfilling on every level.

Author Xanet Pailet notes: “I wrote this book because I am passionate about helping individuals who feel broken reclaim their sexuality and their pleasure, and transform their lives. I want women who are struggling with sex to understand that help is available and that they can have healthy, passionate sex lives. I wrote this book for the 20 year old who was date raped, the 30 year old mom who was traumatized during childbirth, the 40 year old divorced women who has never experienced an orgasm, the 50 year old who is struggling with menopause and low libido, and the 60 plus year old women who is ready to explore her sexuality and experience orgasmic bliss.” No matter the situation of your love life, Living An Orgasmic Life can help you rediscover the joy and pleasure of sex.

Living An Orgasmic Life is a must read if you desire a better relationship with your partner, juicier sex and more passion in your love life. After reading this book, you will learn:

  • Why it’s so hard to talk about sex in a world where everything is about sex
  • The #1 reason women lose their desire for sex and what to do about it
  • How sexual trauma can occur and how to heal it
  • Your sexual blueprint: what it is and how to read it
  • How attachment theory relates to your intimate life
  • What the journey to sexual healing looks like
  • How to find your path to pleasure
  • Awakening your body through somatic and hands-on healing
  • How to reignite your libido
  • The truth about your pleasure potential
  • What you can do to start living an orgasmic life
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Zen Bunnies

Meditations for the Wise Minds of Bunny Lovers


Inspirational Bunnies

Readers of Start With WhyYou Are Here and Whatever You Are, Be A Good One will love the quotes and teachings of Zen Bunnies

Advice from Zen Leaders: Join some cuddly bunnies for encouragement from Buddhist teachers like Thich Nhat Hahn and the Buddha himself in Zen Bunnies. Don’t let the adorable bunnies fool you—they have plenty of mindfulness wisdom to share in the form of quotes and verses. These timeless verses will continue to be helpful and relevant to your life for years to come.

Daily Mindfulness: Meditate along with these verses daily. Learn from the bountiful bunny to be true in body and mind. If you appreciated the mindfulness encouragement from Peace Is Every StepThe Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching and Together Is Better, you will love the quotes in Zen Bunnies.

Let your inner Zen Bunny guide you to enlightenment.

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How They Met

True Stories of the Power of Serendipity in Finding Lasting Love


Find hope with this collection of true stories of lasting romance

The surprising beginnings of true love: You never know when it might happen: love might be right around the corner, down the block, or across the aisle from you on your next flight. Stories of how people met are endlessly fascinating and they remind us that we all need to be ready for anything, including meeting the love of your life when you least expect it.

Healing stories of serendipitous romance: After a bad break up, composer and beloved songwriter David Friedman embarked on a decade-long journey collecting couple’s stories of “how they met” as a therapeutic project. What Friedman learned was utterly surprising―there was always an element of serendipity, planning had nothing to do with it. Along the way, what started out as a path to moving forward became a mission to better understand matters of the heart.

Romantic biographies and real-life relationships: In this study of true romance, Friedman talks to people from every walk of life, from devout churchgoers to same sex couples to celebrities. Among others, How They Metshares the moving stories of how Lucie Arnaz met her famous mate, Lawrence Luckinbill, and the unexpected story of Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford’s friendship turning to romance.

How They Met gives readers:

  • Real life stories that will give hope to even the most heart broken.
  • A truly diverse set of stories that shows the universality of true love.
  • A close-up look at the romances and relationships of famous couples.

This collection of true stories will have you believing that love will find YOU – perhaps when you least expect it!

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Les 6 Décisions les plus Importantes que Vous Prendrez Dans la Vie


Ne vous inquiétez pas. Ce ne sera pas un autre livre ennuyeux. Celui-ci est différent. Il est écrit juste pour les adolescents et traite de votre vie, de vos problèmes, de vos affaires. J’ai a aussi beaucoup de chouettes illustrations. (J’ai dû embaucher plusieurs artistes et les payer une fortune parce que mes dessins ne valent pas un clou.) Ce livre repose sur une idée simple. Je vais aller droit au but. Il y a six décisions clés que vous devrez prendre pendant l’adolescence qui peuvent faire ou briser votre avenir. Alors, choisissez judicieusement, et ne faites pas n’importe quoi. Si jamais il advenait que vous fassiez des erreurs, cependant, ce n’est pas la fin du monde. Revenez simplement sur la bonne voie et commencez à faire des choix plus intelligents.
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Les 7 Habitudes Des Ados Bien Dans Leur Peau


Plus d'un demi million vendu! Dans Les 7 habitudes des adolescents très efficaces, l'auteur Sean Covey applique la philosophie intemporelle des 7 habitudes aux adolescents. Covey fournit un guide étape par étape pour aider les adolescents à améliorer leur estime de soi, se faire des amis, résister à la pression des pairs, atteindre leurs objectifs, et bien plus encore.
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The Going Green Handbook

52 Inspired Ideas for Saving Money and the Environment


Easy, healthy, money-saving DIY ideas for a sustainable lifestyle

Inspired living for the environment: Make your footprint planet-positive. With the gentle guidance of eco-expert, Alice Mary Alvrez, you can start with baby steps and progress to living the green good life! Level up your eco-knowledge with these 52 creative ideas and easy ways to reduce your waste, eat organic, and keep toxins out of your home.

Grow organic, reduce waste, live toxin-free, and save money: Inside this helpful and hopeful guide, you'll find tips for greening up all the areas of your life. Learn surprising facts about your impact on the environment and change your habits with do-it-yourself ideas. Start with small, simple changes and work your way up to raising chickens, planting a bee-friendly garden, and growing organic veggies instead of a high maintenance grass lawn. Also find easy composting tips and recipes for toxin-free homemade eco cleansers and paint.

A DIY handbook for all levels: Whether you want to be a green rookie or an eco-master, you can help the planet every week of the year. The Going Green Handbook is an inspiring and instructive guide to living the handmade life by consuming less and creating more. Use little, live big!

Readers will learn:

  • why we live the way we do and how we can become less wasteful and greener
  • tips, tricks and secrets for a self-sufficient sustainable home and lifestyle
  • starter garden tips for growing your own healthy food, fruit, veggies, and fresh herbs
  • how to save money by going green

Save money, be inspired, and go green with this helpful and easy handbook!

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You Can Be a Winning Writer

The 4 C’s Approach of Successful Authors – Craft, Commitment, Community, and Confidence


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ So you want to publish a best seller?

You can learn to be a successful author ─ the 4 C's approach to successful authorship: Joan Gelfand, author of You Can Be A Winning Writer, has been teaching the 4 C's to aspiring authors at book festivals and writer’s conferences for the past ten years, and helping writers around the country realize their dreams of becoming successfully published. Joan has taught her 4 C's method for becoming a successful author to college professors, CEO's, doctors, ghostwriters, poets, and playwrights.

On writing well: From first draft to building a reputation, the 4 C’s discusses craft, commitment and gives solid tips on how to build a literary community and a fan base. Unfortunately, becoming a successfully published author does not stop with mastering craft, commitment and even building a community. Confidence is key, and Joan tackles this sensitive subject that keeps writers unpublished and manuscripts in the drawer. With the help of Renate Stendhal, Ph.D., Joan defines clear steps writers can take to overcome the demon of lack of confidence.

Writing strategies book filled with authorship and publishing tips: With a splash of humor, a dose of empathy and a volume of support, mastering the 4 C’s includes real life anecdotes from famous and not so famous ─ but successful authors. You Can Be A Winning Writer is the go-to book for writers just starting out, to writers stalled after their first or second book, and for students. The 4 C’s wisdom and stories will inspire and encourage.

You Can Be A Winning Writer includes:

  • Post-publication strategies
  • The mistakes that even the most talented prize-winning authors have made
  • How, with the help of the 4 C’s, those same authors could have enjoyed greater success
  • What it means to ‘fire on all burners” and work to develop each of the 4 C’s simultaneously

Maybe you've read Stephen King's On Writing, Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, Annie Lamott's Bird by Bird, or William Zinsser's On Writing Well ─ Now you need to read You Can Be A Winning Writer.

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Dark Moon Magic

Supernatural Spells, Charms, and Rituals for Health, Wealth, and Happiness


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Your Practical Wiccan Guide to Life

Take advantage of centuries of knowledge: In this utterly unique grimoire, bestselling author Cerridwen Greenleaf gathers celestial lore, history, and mythology, drawing from the Dark Ages mystical practices of the original Gothic tribes, Scandinavian shamans and other medieval sources to infuse these spells with the magic of the ancients, allowing the modern reader to tap into that pure power. Here, you’ll learn how to call upon the fairy world and little-known gods and goddesses to empower your magical workings, as well as ways to consecrate and wield magical tools, create a home and garden full of enchantment, and rituals to enhance every aspect of your life. With Dark Moon Magic, she has crafted nothing less than a Wiccan mystery school in book form.

Live in tune with the moon: Magicians, alchemists, witches and wise women of ancient times knew how to harmonize their lives with the heavenly cycles and seasons and were able to navigate these tides to benefit their lives, both in the inner and outer spheres. We can all use some assistance with our love (and sex!) lives as well as with more worldly matters like money, and Dark Moon Magic’s tools of divination, spellwork, amulets, and charms can make a key difference. And with life’s increasingly frantic pace, the search for serenity is now more important than ever. Herein may be found the keys to rising above the fray and embracing a life of abundance and joy.

Reach the ultimate serenity: All of us need an edge in these difficult times, and Dark Moon Magic can help. Think of these as pagan prescriptions for the twenty-first century, guaranteed to banish stress, ease tension, and add comfort, joy, and magic to your daily life. Learn which moon phase is best for manifesting money, as well as how to recognize the optimal star signs for love and romance, the ideal timing for a job interview, or when to ask for a raise or even the best time to plant your magical herbs.

What You’ll Learn Inside Dark Moon Magic:

  • The magical origins of “Winter is Coming” and how it applies to 21st Century Wicca
  • How to Plant a Fairy Garden that will call benevolent spirits to help you!
  • The importance of creating an altar and caring for your crystals and tools of magick
  • The art of “Wiccan feng shui” and how to create sacred space and sanctuary
  • A Conjuring Calendar for an entire year of spells, charms, festivals and rituals
  • Astrological and lunar connections you can use for money, love, success and healing
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Plan Be!

Awesome Inspiration for Your Awesome Life


Adjust your attitude with daily affirmations

Mastering the art of thinking happy: The affirmations, quotes and ideas in this book are a set of tools for you to use in your self-development. They are for “inner work.” And, you know what they say about happiness, that it’s an “inside job,” which is 100% true. These suggestions vary widely from spiritual aspirations to very simple, straight forward and practical ideas. Much has to do with adjusting your attitude. Depending on the day, it might be a slight adjustment or a major overhaul but the more you practice daily affirmations, the fewer adjustments you’ll need. One day, you will realize you have mastered the art of “thinking happy” and are looking at the bright side of life, every day. Incorporating this as a daily practice will build “mental muscle” and help you achieve the all-important optimistic way of thinking.

Becoming a better you: I very much like the idea of idea of undertaking the inner work of self-development and working your way to a better you. I am also a strong advocate for believing in yourself and loving yourself more each and every day. These are habits that can easily be reinforced by practices such as journaling, creating your own affirmations and talking to yourself in the positive.

Build your inner optimism: Like an engine driving you toward greater things, self belief brings you closer to your life’s purpose, your personal mission and will absolutely make you a happier camper. Daily affirmations help build the optimistic mindset. So, try it. Easy as pie and just as sweet.

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Super Ager

You Can Look Younger, Have More Energy, a Better Memory, and Live a Long and Healthy Life


#1 Amazon New Release ─ Live long and prosper

One of America's top yoga and embodied mindfulness teachers reveals secrets and practices for optimal aging

Relationships matter: Super Ager has everything you need to know to "live long and prosper"; from movement, diet, fasting, brain and memory health to the major impact of relationships on longevity.

Younger aging: Filled with science, suggestions for gentle daily movement, natural remedies and modern wisdom, Super Ager is a practical and concise guide to optimal aging. Yoga instructor, nutrition expert and healthy living blogger Elise Marie Collins has compiled a comprehensive look at what “Super Agers” are doing to live long and prosper. Learn about movement at any age, brain fitness and memory maintenance, foods, vitamin and mineral content cues and clues, and what they do to promote health, prevent disease, and decrease and reverse symptoms of illness.

Increased lifespan, better healthspan: In her revolutionary book, Collins presents us with a bold new paradigm of aging, showing us how we can increase not only our lifespan but also our health span. Through a journey of cultures that have the distinction of producing some of the world’s healthiest, oldest people, Collins reveals the secrets for living an extended and fulfilling life in which our later years become a period of wisdom, vitality, and happiness. From India to Japan, northern Europe and the Greek Island of Ikaria “where people forgot to die,” she shows how the unique lifestyles of these people can influence and improve our own lives.

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A Cookie to Celebrate

Recipes and Decorating Tips for Everyday Baking and Holidays


#1 Amazon New Release ! ― Life is short―celebrate with cookies!

Follow along with photograph-filled instructions: A Cookie to Celebrate is an instant cookie-baking classic, with recipes that are gorgeously photographed and meticulously tested along with tons of decorating and packaging ideas. These inventive and inspired cookies will be perfect for sharing with your friends on Instagram―or in person!

Desserts made to impress at your next party: What sets A Cookie to Celebrate apart is its step-by-step how-to instructions for gorgeously personalized cookies for all kinds of occasions, from birthdays to anniversaries to the changing of the seasons. These cookies are ornamental edibles that are perfect for the holidays, and because the recipes are easy to scale up or down, they’re great for cookie exchanges, gift-giving, kids’ parties, and potlucks.

Bake cookies with professional-level flavor and design right at home: Jana Douglass is the founder of Jana Lee's Bake Shop, an artisan bake shop specializing in custom decorated cut-out cookies for special events and celebrations. In A Cookie to Celebrate, she shares her baking expertise as a veteran baker and recipe developer along with her recipes, inspiring you to create your own new classics. Each cookie in this collection is guaranteed to be a stand-out.

Reimagined recipes and exciting new treats: A Cookie to Celebrate is filled with new twists on cookie concepts, like Engagement Ring Cookies and Baby Onesie Cookies―confections decorated for every season and reason. Try something new with ice cream cone cookies with sprinkles in summer, conversation heart cookies for Valentine’s Day, or even decorating a birthday cake with cookies!

A Cookie to Celebrate is full of cookie baking tips, recipes, and presentation ideas. With Jana’s cookbook, you will discover:

  • How to expertly roll, cut, and bake your cookie dough
  • Helpful tools and techniques for coloring and piping icing
  • Creative ways to spice up classics―or try something new!
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Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism

Comics on Relationships, Life and Food


#1 Amazon New Release ─ Cartoons about feminism, relationships, self-love and adulthood by Planet Prudence

Planet Prudence book of comics: Popular online illustrator and Instagram sensation Prudence "Planet Prudence" Geerts presents her take on the struggles of adulting and finding your own voice.

Funny Planet Prudence comics: Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism is the debut collection from Prudence Geerts. Never before seen comic strips bundled with all the best Planet Prudence comics. This book will make you laugh at the awkward moments we all go through as we learn to be functioning adults in society and, hopefully, learn to make the world a better place.

Graphic novel of humor, feminism, and relationships: We all think: “Am I the only one who acts like this? Am I the only one who goes through this moment in life?” Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism shows you that you’re not. It laughs with you at the struggles you’re going through as women fight for equal pay, respect and realistic role models. Filled with love, laughter and food Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism helps us realize that we’re all not so different after all.

Readers will find:

  • Comic strips about the hilarious reality of work, relationships, dating, exercise, and beauty
  • Inspirational illustrations about being confident and loving yourself

If you liked We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham, or Herding Cats: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection by Sarah Andersen, you'll love Planet Prudence's Bad at Adulting, Good at Feminism  

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Guerrilla Kindness and Other Acts of Creative Resistance

Making A Better World Through Craftivism


#1 Amazon Best Seller! ─ Resistance Crafts

Craftivism can be your voice of resistance: Craftivism is a non-threatening form of activism that gives people a voice when they feel voiceless and power where they feel powerless. It is an international movement for our time and noted Craftivism expert Sayraphim Lothian has put together the first-ever tutorial book on craftivism.

In Guerilla Kindness: artist, scholar, activist, and YouTube art teacher Sayraphim Lothian gives you an introduction to the art of craftivism, and provides a brief history of creative resistance. This master craftivist shows you how to make and use various crafts for political and protest purposes including:

  • Embroidery
  • Cross stitch
  • Knitting
  • Stenciling
  • Decoupage
  • Stamping
  • and much more

Join us in the Craftivism movement: Craftivism is a growing worldwide movement in which hand crafted works are being used to highlight political issues, creatively engage in activism, and encourage change in the world. Craftivists employ their works to open a space for people to be introduced to issues and to broaden the discussion surrounding them. While it might seem that this most colorful movement began recently, creative resistance has been with us for centuries around the globe, and craftivism and makers stating their mind through the medium of art is here to stay.

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Badass Affirmations

The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women


#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Positive Affirmations for a Badass

Fans of Rachel Hollis and Girl, Wash Your Face will love Becca Anderson's Badass Affirmations

Even a badass needs daily affirmations: We all need reminders. You don’t leap out of bed knowing you are amazing and about to have an incredible day. All of us have a lot of demands, pressures, to-do’s and responsibilities. We find ourselves rushing around, working hard to please others. Often we find ourselves at the back of our own bus, having made everyone else happy but our own damn self. Then you go and beat yourself up about it. Let’s stop that, shall we?

The incredible art of self-affirmation: Positive living and affirmation queen Becca Anderson reminds you that you are pretty darn great. I had to learn to remind myself, but you know what? It feels pretty darn good. It is even kind of addictive in the best way. There are reasons we need esteem boosters. We pick up scars and get bumps and bruises in daily life. If you had a bad childhood, you have old “tapes” from poor parenting looping through your unconscious brain. “You’ll never amount to anything. You’re not good at sports. Your sister has a better singing voice than you, so we’re sending her to music camp and you can stay behind and babysit.” Even nice moms and dads perpetrate these parenting errors that leave marks on our souls. But, we can overcome with the right mix of badass affirmations. Every day and in every way, you can learn the art of self-affirmation.

Self-affirmation adjustment: If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and drained by life’s busyness and demands, stop in your tracks and do an attitude adjustment, or more specifically a “gratitude adjustment.” You have need for some “me TLC” and a dose of radical self-affirmation.

In Badass Affirmations you will:

• Learn the habit of affirming yourself daily
• Experience a life filled with love, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction
• Take control of your destiny
• Strengthen your self-esteem

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Creating Business Magic

How the Power of Magic Can Inspire, Innovate, and Revolutionize Your Business


#1 Amazon New Release — Business Magic and Disruptive Innovation

First comes the magic, and then the magic becomes the reality

Magicians reveal secrets to business excellence. You may think you know what magic is. Abracadabra, hocus-pocus. Forget about it. Magic? Magic is what human beings do. It’s just that some do it a lot better than others.

Nine business strategies from the world's greatest magicians.This book takes everything that three remarkable authors—a corporate strategist, the former acting director of the CIA, and a world-renowned magician—have learned about magic and packs it into a unique framework that captures the best of this art form and relates it directly to key lessons applicable to a wide variety of business enterprises. The authors’ objective is not to create a new generation of magicians, but to adapt nine strategies of the world’s greatest magicians and inspire boundless imagination, bolster innovation, energize leadership, and spark success in any business. At the core of Creating Business Magic is the belief that imagination can make magicians of us all.

Magic and disruptive innovation. Each chapter opens with a scenario depicting a pivotal historic moment in magic—from Harry Houdini to Doug Henning to Penn and Teller to David Copperfield—and uses it as a starting point to explore how the magical technique employed can create a fertile environment for industry, disruptive innovation and propel a company light years ahead of the competition. The nine disruptive strategies presented by the authors demonstrate how to:

  • Anticipate the next trends
  • Create remarkable new products
  • Launch marketing and advertising campaigns that will mesmerize “aspirationals”
  • Make dazzling sales presentations
  • Resolve seemingly unsolvable business dilemmas
  • Inspire teams with resilient change leadership

If you have read Creating Magic by Lee Cockerell or Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi, you'll want to read Creating Business Magic.

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Embracing the Awkward

A Guide for Teens to Succeed at School, Life and Relationships


Win Friends. Build Confidence. Gain Self-esteem.

Who are you? Young adults struggle with lots of issues—finishing school, finding a career, finding a partner, and most importantly figuring out who they are. That can often be an overwhelming question, especially when you feel like the people all around you have it figured out. In fact, you may even have questions that you would NEVER feel comfortable talking about for fear of being judged or even rejected. Don’t worry, you don’t have to navigate life alone. There’s much untapped potential in you that the world has yet to see.

Become your best self. Figuring out how to make friends, develop relationships and to be confident is a step-by-step process. Now help is available in Embracing the Awkward, written by the popular teen-advice-YouTuber, The Josh Speaks. This down-to-earth guide helps you take small steps towards being somebody great. This isn’t another dry instructional book written by a boring adult disconnected from the millennial reality, it’s a guide, a workbook, an empowering step towards trying things out, discovering who you are and becoming your best self.

Embracing the Awkward gives teens ideas for developing their own unique style of speaking and engaging with others. It contains infographics and workbook elements that offer a step-by-step checklist of activities, along with examples of things to say, topics to talk about and ways to lead into situations.

Learn how to:

  • Approach people
  • Lead into conversations with groups of people
  • Make strong friendships in school
  • Approach your crushes and ask them out
  • Deal with failure and rejection
  • Maintain family relationships

Young adult self-help books such as 7 Habits of Highly Effective TeensLiving With IntensityThe Science of Making Friends, and The Gifted Teen Survival Guide have helped people navigate the teen years and build self-esteem. Now Embracing the Awkward is here to take you to a new level of confidence, self-esteem and success.

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